Kate Holcomb Hale

But she seems so easygoing

Photograph by Dan Watkins Photography 

for Praise Shadows Art Gallery


But she seems so easygoing

paper, acrylic paint, charcoal and decal vinyl

132 x 90 x 54 in

2019 | 2021

Featured in Alchemized Dimensions at Praise Shadows Gallery, Boston MA.

Alchemized Dimensions presents artists playing with perception and exaggeration, giving familiar ideas the chance to become unfamiliar once again. Process and intuition are applied, as the artists allow their instincts and understandings of color, line, shape, and gesture to take over. The artists selected use so-called “traditional” subjects or materials—portraiture, still life, wood, or charcoal—to recalibrate them into fresh articulations of everyday life. Familiar scenes or materials alchemize into an experience that takes the mundane into a new dimension.

Featured in Be/Come at Fort Point Gallery, Boston MA

But she seems so easygoing was slowly installed over a period of 8 weeks as part of the exhibition Be/Come. Throughout the 2-month period visitors were able to witness the moments of creation and becoming that occur when an artwork is transformed in and by the space of the gallery.